Flam to Myrdal Trains

Trains in Scandinavia travel from Flam to Myrdal in 41 minutes instead of 1h 30m. The scenery along the route is breathtaking. To ensure your spot on the trip, you should purchase your tickets ahead of time.

13 km

Travel time

Travel time


Trains per day

Daily Departures


Flam to Myrdal Railway Route Map

There is no better way to see Scandinavia than by train. Additionally, trains are one of the most affordable ways to travel. Flamsbana trains from Flam to Myrdal are a good choice for those seeking an exciting train trip.
You will have a great experience whether you travel in First Class or Economy Class.

By taking a train rather than an airplane, you'll be reducing your environmental impact. A 400km train journey emits roughly one ml of carbon dioxide.

Flam to Myrdal Train Timetable

​You can make a memorable trip around Norway by booking a train ticket from Flam to Myrdal. Passengers will not need to change trains during the journey, which takes an average of 40 min to complete.

*The information is subject to change. Planning a rail journey in Norway? Check current Flam - Myrdal train timetable.

Book Train Tickets from Flam to Myrdal

Flam to Myrdal Train Stations

The following information about train stations will help you plan your journey smoothly from Flam to Myrdal

Flam Central Station
​Address:  Aurland, Norway
Myrdal Central Station
​Address: 5718 Myrdal, Norway

FAQ: What to Know About Flam to Myrdal Train

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